Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gallo Nucleus Reference 3.1

I guess I've decided to start my first blog with a bang!  A pair of these beauties goes for $2,995.00 and believe it or not, they are an absolute bargain at that price.  These are the most expensive speakers I will recommend, mostly because there are no other products on the market equaling its performance... unless you are shopping in the "above $10,000" range.  Personally, I think it's ludicrous people actually spend tens of thousands of dollars on a pair of speakers.  So, without further a due, I highly recommend these speakers and place them at the pinnacle of speaker heaven.  From what you will notice in the future, I won't talk a lot about specific products and their specs.  I figure there are many professionals getting paid lots of money to write pages of reviews.  So, I will just post links to their sites and you can have fun reading about them all day long.  Here are two excellent reviews of these speakers.
6 Moons Review: 
Home Theater HiFi Review: 

So, if you have the budget, get these speakers!  If you can't afford them, you are in luck.  I have many other great speaker options at much lower prices.

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