Monday, August 4, 2008

Hail to the Ears

Numerous times I have found myself wanting to listen to music when it just wasn't plausible.  Maybe you get home late from work and the wife is already sleeping.  Perhaps the newborn is taking a nap, in which case you really don't want to make the slightest noise.  Or perhaps you just want to engulf yourself within a symphony, blocking out all other distractions.  It appears we are in dire need for headphones.  And not just any headphone, mind you.  We need something which will enable our ears to feast on every note.  A sound that is not only clear and precise, but also soothing and full.  In comes the AKG K701's.  At first glance you realize the studio grade headphones are a work of art.  But the real magic begins after you place them over your ears and begin to listen in ways never before felt.  Stunning imagery, completely undistorted even at high volumes, and comfort are just a few of the many attributes provided by the K701's.  As earphones are concerned, they are a tad spendy at $450, but a little searching on the internet can land you a brand new pair for under $260 (  Of course, click here to enjoy some more light reading on the subject.